Airhead 247 Podcast: Seroj Terian

Seroj Terian is an independent mechanic and vintage bike enthusiast. He recently built and sold a very well executed R100 scrambler that sold on BaTโ€”(weโ€™ve got a link to that for you) so weโ€™ll dig into that bike and discuss his work and experience with old bikes, in general and the volunteer work he does, which is quite remarkable, as well.

Katie Hunter joins us with Moto She Wrote essay entitled “Old Dog, New Tricks” where she recounts obtaining her motorcycle license in New Brunswick, Canada.

Seroj’s R100 on BaT

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Boxer 2 Valve / William Plam

Air Support BMW / George Thomas


In this series, weโ€™ll be talking with independent mechanics, product developers and aficionados of the classic airhead BMW motorcycles, produced from 1970 to 1995, also known as the โ€œType 247 boxer.โ€ If youโ€™re an airhead rider, youโ€™ll recognize nearly all of our guests in this series. If youโ€™re generally a motorcycle enthusiast, this a great opportunity to add some knowledge to your database and enjoy some great motorcycle talk.